ILTS Vanguard Webinar – Complex Liver Cases – September 2021

The video recording of the September 2021 Vanguard Webinar on Complex Liver Cases organized by ILTS Vanguard Committee and sponsored by Natera is now available.




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Meeting ID: 996 5226 6342

Passcode: 831355

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Date: September 10th, 2021


8:00 am PDT (US Pacific Daylight Time)

10:00 am CDT (US Central Daylight Time)

5:00 pm CET (Central European Time)

8:30 pm IST (Indian Standard Time)

00:00 am JST (Japan Standard Time)



Eleonora de Martin, MD, PhD, Hospital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France

Uzung Yoon, MD, MPH, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA





  1. Late HCC recurrence following LDLT: The never-ending battle
Iman Montasser, MD, Senior Transplant Hepatology Consultant

Ain Shams Center for Organ Transplantation (ASCOT), Cairo, Egypt


  1. Liver transplantation for colorectal liver metastases
Pål-Dag Line, MD, PhD, FEBS, Professor of Surgery, Department Head of Transplantation Medicine

Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway 



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If you have an interesting case-based topic that you would like to present in an ILTS Vanguard Webinar, please fill in this electronic case submission form:


After the webinar, you will be able to view the recording on the ILTS education portal.    


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Meeting ID: 996 5226 6342

Passcode: 831355

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