What We´re Reading… March 2024

The March issue of Liver Transplantation, the official Journal of ILTS and the AASLD is out now. Free access for ILTS members!
Article selections by Nicholas Syn, Alessandra Mazzola, Beth Wilson, Jiang Liu, Carmen Vinaixa, Madhukar Patel, and Abdul Hakeem.


Liver Transplantation
Intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence imaging to predict early hepatic arterial complications after liver transplantation
Purpose: In liver transplantation (LT) setting, to propose an innovative intraoperative criterion to judge arterial flow abnormality that may lead to early hepatic arterial occlusion, i.e. thrombosis or stenosis, when left untreated and to carry out re-anastomosis. More

International Journal of Surgery
Criteria for selecting living liver donors to optimize recipient outcomes in pure laparoscopic donor right hepatectomy: a cohort study
Background: Although the adoption of pure laparoscopic donor hepatectomy has expanded driven by considerations of donor cosmesis and function, the criteria for selecting candidates for pure laparoscopic donor right hepatectomy (PLDRH) continue to be debated. More

Annals of Surgery
Age Matters: What Affects the Cumulative Lifespan of a Transplanted Liver?
Objective: Assess factors affecting the cumulative lifespan of a transplanted liver.
Summary background data: Liver ageing is different from other solid organs. It is unknown how old a liver can actually get after liver transplantation (LT).
Methods: Deceased donor liver transplants from 1988-2021 were queried from the United States (US) UNOS registry. Cumulative liver age was calculated as donor age + recipient graft survival. More


Disparities in Liver Transplantation for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Women
Background: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the fastest-growing indication for liver transplantation (LT). Sex disparities among patients with cirrhosis on the LT waitlist are well known. We wanted to understand these disparities further in women with end-stage liver disease patients listed for NASH cirrhosis in a contemporary cohort. More

Donor-recipient race-ethnicity concordance and patient survival after liver transplantation
Introduction: We assessed the association between patient survival after liver transplantation (LT) and donor-recipient race-ethnicity (R/E) concordance. More

Basiliximab Induction and Postoperative Steroid-free Immunosuppression With Tacrolimus in Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Background: Optimizing the immunosuppressive regimen is essential to improve the long-term outcomes of pediatric liver transplant recipients. More


Journal of Hepatology
One-year transplant-free survival following hospital discharge after ICU [A1] Admission for ACLF in the Netherlands
Background & aims: Patients with acute decompensated (AD) liver cirrhosis or acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) often require intensive care unit (ICU) admission for organ support. Existing research, mostly from specialized liver transplant centers, largely addresses short-term outcomes. Our aim was to evaluate in-hospital mortality and 1-year transplant-free survival after hospital discharge in the Netherlands. More.

Journal of Hepatology
Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections after liver transplantation: prevalence, impact, and risk factors
Background and aims: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections are an increasing healthcare problem worldwide. This study analyzes the incidence, burden, and risk factors associated with MDR infections after liver transplantation (LT). More

Korean Journal of Anaesthesiology
Efficacy of intraoperative blood salvage and autotransfusion in living-donor liver transplantation: a retrospective propensity matched case-control study
Background: Liver transplantation (LT) may be associated with massive blood loss and the need for allogeneic blood transfusion. Intraoperative blood salvage autotransfusion (IBSA) can reduce the need for allogeneic blood transfusion. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of blood salvage in LT. More